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Naadi Astrology

Naadi Astrology is also termed as “Naadi jyotisa” which is a form of Dharma astrology followed in diverse zones in India. It is being considered on the faith that the past, present and the future lives of all human beings were predicted by Dharma sages in old-age times.

knowing the past, present and future from Palm Leaves, Naadi Astrology where in the fate of each one of us in written and preserved since 2000 years-canonly be considered as divine dispensation, although, there are other forms of astrology like palmistry,numerology and attempting to know the future through trained birds. I, V.S.SAMYSADHASIVAM Chief Siva Sukshma Naadi Astrologer , belong to the family of Vaitheeswarankoil, which has traditionally and for generation, practiced Naadi Astrology,Nearly 2000 years ago, the great Sages of yours, through sheer institution understood Medicine,Engineering,Astrology and several other branches of basic Human knowledge and transcribe dmedicine,Engineering,Astrology and several other branches of basic Human knowledge and transcribed them in Palm leaves and wooden plates. We can assert with authority that all the modern day scientific and Technological Progress, owe their origin to these ancient works. 

The British who ruled in India, Confiscated all the Palm leaves pertaining to Medicine and Engineering and they passed on to their Loyalists the Palm leaves on Astrology.The eminent POET KANNADHASAN in His book “Arthamulla Hindu Matham”.(Meaningful Hinduism) states that the rulers of Chola Kingdom and the Maratha King Sarfojee Maharaja saved these Palm leaves from decaying with age. Driving by their passion for the Tamil language,they translated them into Tamil and preserved them at Saraswathi Mahal located inside thier Tanjore palace. When the Britisher sauctioned the Palm leaves of Astrology.My fore fathers, who were professional astrologers bought them and started offering predictions based on these palm leaves. My father JOTHIDA KALAIMAMANI SAMISACHIDHANANDHAM, further preserved these Palm leaves and also added to them, the palm leaves he could gather from every available source. He there after established at Vaitheeswarankoil a centre called. 

“SRI KOUSIHA AGATHIYA MAHASIVA SUKSHMA VEDHA BHAVAN NAADI JOTHIDA NILAYAM” and practiced Naadi Astrology.After the demise of my father my elder brother V.S.ArulsivaArumugam (Who, was also my mentor Guru and guide) and myself deeply involved in Naadi Astrology and people from all over the World sought Naadi predictions from us. We were very renowned and there was hardly any news paper or periodicals that did not write in Praise of our service. To ensure and to continue this rare Art does not die with my brother, I took over the reins and continues to follow the same till date Many journals; periodicals and TV Networks have conveyed my interview all over the world. If I have grown in stature,it is completely due to the divine grace Sri Agasthiyar Maha siva Vakkiyar and the blessings of my fore fathers.

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